
Welcome to OH3CUF!

My name is Jouni. I'm radio amateur from Tampere, Finland. My radio station call is OH3CUF and home QTH maidenhead locator is at KP11WL.

My intrests

Currently mostly active in HF - especially CW & SSB in Worldwide Flora & Fauna. I'm both activating and hunting in WWFF. At home QTH I use The Awesome WRC. I Started learning CW in 2024.

Contact me

Send me email to cq (at_mark) cuf (dot) fi.

WWFF tools

Latest WWFF activations

WWFF self spotting tool

My activity

Mastodon (@OH3CUF@mastodon.radio)

POTA - Parks-On-The-Air (POTA) activity

RBN (CW) activity

Space weather & Radio propagation

Space Weather Enthusiasts Dashboard

Solar Conditions & Ham Radio Propagation (W5MMW)

Tropospheric Ducting Foreecast

NOAA D Region Absorption Predictions (D-RAP)

Space Weather in Finland (fmi.fi)

Useful links

Maidenhead locator map

Finnish HAM repeaters sorted by your location or all in one easy list

APRS map

Finnish FF activations at Mastodon

CW Club RBN Spotter

Other HAM-webpages

OH3BHX - great web pages for experiments with radio balloons and other posts

Hämeenlinnan radioamatöörit - aktiiviset verkkosivut ja paljon kiinnostavia tapahtumia